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Can Mirus accept students...

  • How has Mirus Academy handled the COVID pandemic?
    Mirus Academy follows the recommendations of the CDC and local health agencies in regards to its policies and procedures for keeping students healthy. When the Covid Pandemic began in March 2020, Mirus Academy was able to quickly mobilize and move its operations entirely online within just one week. For the remainder of the school year, teachers taught their regular classes and met all the course-objectives for the year-- they simply met with their students via Zoom during regularly-scheduled class time (synchronous learning). For the 2020-2021 school year, Mirus students had the option of either attending school in person (masked & social-distanced) or from home via Zoom. With an average class size of just 8 students, our teachers were able to easily handle the challenge of having students both on campus and off campus, and Mirus students did not lose any valuable instruction time. For the 2021-2022 school year, all students were back on campus. With a 95% vaccination rate and high compliance with mask-wearing, we managed to avoid the Covid outbreaks that often plagued other schools. For the 2022-2023 school year, we continue with normal operations while continuing to monitor the recommendations of the CDC and local health agencies.
  • What are the school hours?
    MONDAY - THURSDAY: 7:30 - 9:00 am Doors open to early arrivals 9:00 - 1:15 pm Classes & Lunch 1:15 - 1:30 pm Clean-Up 1:30 - 3:30 pm Work Period 3:30 - 5:00 pm School is open for late pick-up and for After-School Activities FRIDAY: School meets two Fridays a month, 9:00 - 12:00 on Seminar Days and 9:00 - 2:00 on Field Trip Days
  • What is the tuition? Is financial aid available?
    Please read the TUITION & FEES page for information
  • Is Mirus Academy a religious school?
    No. Mirus Academy is an independent, secular school with no religious affiliation. The school uses a non-religious curriculum (similar to the curriculum used in public schools), and students of all religions are welcome and respected.
  • Does Mirus Academy accept students year-round?
    Yes, Mirus Academy will accept new students throughout the year if space is available. (Note: some limitations apply to students transferring during their senior year).
  • Is Mirus accredited?
    Yes, Mirus Academy is fully accredited by the National Association of Private Schools
  • Does Mirus Academy accept all students who apply for admission?
    No, Mirus Academy has a selective admissions process and is unable to accept every student that applies. The requirements for admissions can be found on the ADMISSIONS page of this website.
  • What is the average class size?
    Mirus classes vary in size from 3 -15 students, but the average is about 7-8 students per class. At Mirus Academy, students always receive the personal attention they need for academic and personal success.
  • How many students are at Mirus? Is the school growing?
    Mirus Academy is a small school ("micro-school") by design. Although our exact school population changes from year to year, we typically have 4-8 students per grade level and around 25 students total. The small, family-like environment is essential to the Mirus Academy school philosophy, so we have no plans to grow into a large school.
  • To what colleges have Mirus graduates been accepted?
    Mirus Academy graduates have been accepted to many select private and public universities both in Texas and out of state. Please read COLLEGE ACCEPTANCES for a more complete list.
  • Can my child try out the school without enrolling?
    Yes, we believe school should be a "good fit" in order for each individual student to thrive and excel. As part of the application process, at least one trial day is required. Trial days are scheduled only after the completed application is fully submitted and approved. (note: Trial Days are not available for students applying during summer months).
  • What about the STAAR test? Does the school "teach to the test"?"
    No. As a private school, Mirus Academy does not participate in STAAR testing. Instead, students complete a nationally-normed test taken by over a million students throughout the United States. Mirus students perform very well, with the school's average scores in the top 25% of the nation. Please view the SCHOOL PROFILE for more details. Mirus Academy views testing as just one "tool" for the school to help students reach their maximum academic potential. Standardized Testing is simply "one tool in the tool bag", so students and teachers do not consider it a stressful, high-stakes affair. Mirus does not "teach to the test" or pressure students to score high. The teachers simply provide quality instruction all year, and the students master the course objectives, resulting in test scores that naturally reflect the high potential of Mirus students.
  • Can my gifted child skip a grade or graduate early from Mirus?
    At Mirus Academy, we place students in grade levels according to age. For example, a gifted 12 year old would be considered a 7th grader, even if that 12 year old is enrolled in multiple high school level classes. In this way, the 12 year old is able to continue to be with same-age peers for lunch, recess, and fine arts and also remain eligible for special programs and competitions that classify students by age rather than grade level. Mirus Academy has a high percentage of students who are identified as gifted and is accustomed to working with highly gifted populations (e.g., Davidson Young Scholar, etc.). Sometimes, these students choose to graduate high school at a young age; other times, they choose to stay officially enrolled in high school but fill their high school schedule with college level classes.
  • Can Mirus admit highly gifted students younger than 8th grade?
    Mirus Academy is set up as a high school and is not equipped to support the needs of younger students. All students must be at least 13 years old by September 1 of the school year.
  • Does Mirus have options available for homeschooled students?
    Mirus cannot accept "part-time" students who want to enroll in just one or two classes. However, Mirus Academy remains a popular option for families who have been homeschooling in the past and are now looking for a more structured school setting for their children. Approximately 1/3 of Mirus students have homeschooled before enrolling at Mirus Academy, so Mirus is very familiar with the needs of homeschooled families.
  • What curriculum does Mirus Academy use?
    Mirus Academy uses curriculum from a variety of resources that meet state and national standards. These resources are generally published by major curriculum providers such as Pearson/Savvas, K12, TCI, etc.
  • Are college-level courses (A.P. and Dual Credit) classes available?
    Yes, 11th and 12th graders have the option of enrolling in AP or Dual Credit courses, if desired. Please take note that we do NOT recommend that students fill their schedule with all college-level classes. We are a non-ranking school, so an "all-AP" schedule is NOT necessary to maintain a class rank. We want students to have time to explore their interests and enjoy their teen years rather than spend every moment studying or doing homework.
  • Can Mirus Academy accommodate my child's unique circumstances?
    Please read CAN MIRUS ACCEPT for details on special populations.
  • Does Mirus follow the Katy ISD calendar?
    In general, Mirus Academy tends follows the Katy ISD calendar, although there may be some differences. In general, Mirus tends to be more generous with its school holidays.
  • Do most students live in Katy?
    Approximately half of Mirus's students live within the boundaries of Katy ISD. The other half commute from areas such as Memorial, Sugar Land, Richmond, Sealy, Columbus, Cypress, Spring Branch, etc. A 20-30 minute commute is the norm for most Mirus students; however, as Mirus is the only school of its type in the area, some students drive over an hour to attend school at Mirus Academy.
  • Do Mirus students wear uniforms?
    No, as part of the school's commitment to individualization, students are free to express their personalities through their clothing choices and do not wear a uniform.
  • Does Mirus Academy have an athletic program?
    No. Mirus Academy has made the decision to not have traditional sports teams. Many students at Mirus are involved in after-school sports, but as a school Mirus places its focus primarily on academics and fine arts. NOTE: We do have an E-Sports team for our gaming students who want the challenge of competing in League Tournaments against other students.

   call:  281-392-4477    


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   visit:  5506 3rd Street  Katy, TX 77493 

   (visits by appointment only)

© 2023 by Laura Hogan & Mirus Academy

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